
Teaching your dog basic commands

Teaching your dog basic commands

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July, 29 2013

Having a dog is not as easy as it may seem, especially if you live in an apartment, but if you consider having one it is better to prepare everything in the house before bringing your doggy home. Every dog should have a special place where he can eat and sleep. It is necessary to make this place comfortable otherwise your pet will sleep everywhere but in his bed. Why is it so important to make such a place? Because this is the first place where your pet will spend the first days of life. It is important to start teaching your dog some basic commands, especially if you are a first time dog owner. It is likely that your pet will do whatever he wants when he gets to your house. It is necessary to teach your dog both discipline and self-control in order to give him a better sense of understanding. Dogs are really amazing creatures and you will be surprised by their intelligence. As long as you treat your pet with love and respect, it will be easier for you to train him. 
Teaching a dog his name is the first and the most important thing. Having your dog know his name allows you to capture his attention. 
Teaching a dog to sit is the easiest command that almost every doggy knows. This comand will allow your dog to learn new commands and tricks. It's also the best way to prevent your dog from unwanted behavior. 
The lay down command is a great command to calm your pet down when necessary. If your dog is afraid of something and gets out of control, this command will help you. Also this command will allow you to teach your pet some other tricks.
The wait command will help you to better control your pet. The importance of that command is to tell your pet that whatever he's doing, wait until you say so.
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